CCI Corporation is committed to achieving the SDGs. Five of the seventeen SDGs were selected as the most important in terms of of business (growth potential of existing businesses) and sustainability (solutions to environmental and social issues). Each department has set key performance indicators (KPIs) to solve issues that these SDGs embody.
We are a development-type chemical manufacturing industry. Therefore, as an initiative to achieve SDGs 2030 through business operations, for "SDG 12 - Responsibility in Producing and Responsibility in Using", we will strive to build a recycling-oriented society with a strong awareness shifting away from dependence on petroleum in raw materials. For "SDG 9 Let's Lay the Foundation for Industry and Technological Innovation," we will invest more aggressively than ever before in research and development in order to reduce fat and oil waste by using fat-splitting microbial agents. For "SDG 3 Health and Welfare for All", we will gradually switch away from substances that place a burden on the environment, under the motto "Do not use environmentally impactful substances", not only for our employees but also for people involved with our products.
Furthermore, in order to support SDGs 2030 through business, for "SDG 8 Both Job Satisfaction and Economic Growth", we will promote digitization and automation in order to improve employee engagement. For "SDG 13 Specific Measures for Climate Change", we will reduce CO₂ emissions by 30% compared to FY 2019 through energy-saving investments at our manufacturing sites.
Please refer to the Sustainability Initiatives "ESG Priority Issues and Results" in our Sustainability Report for specific details.
The five SDGs that CCI is commiteed to

Things That Are Likely to Happen in the World Going Forward
- To achieve the 2°C "Sustainable Development Scenario" target for limiting temperature rise, which is a shared global target,
petroleum demand in the late 2030s is expected to return to 1990s levels. - Development of product manufacturing technology using new materials to replace petroleum-derived products.
- Building environmentally friendly product lifecycles to curb increasing waste and pollution.

Source: World Energy Outlook 2019
Forecast of global oil demand and price trends for each scenario
What We as a Company Will Work on
We will build a sustainable recycling-oriented society in order to use limited resources carefullyand to return them to the Earth of the future.
Things That Are Likely to Happen in the World Going Forward
- We will promote innovation in order to contribute to the improvement of the entire world's infrastructure for human life, especially in medical,
energy and mobility-related fields, in which needs are becoming more sophisticated and diversified. - As the shortage of workers in Japan intensifies, the demand for products and services that utilize AI and DX will increase in order to
improve work efficiency, for example by shortening work times.
What We as a Company Will Work on
We will actively invest in research and development to solve social andenvironmental issues and customer's issues.
Things That Are Likely to Happen in the World Going Forward
- In order to minimize the risk of industrial morbidity and mortality caused by toxic chemicals, it will become even less possible to use toxic chemicals.
In addition, high safety standards will be required for their use. - Improvement of the working environment of employees in the value chain and health care for employees
and their families will also be strongly required. (Some efforts are made for this under SDG 8.) - Active investment is expected in the development of traffic accident prevention technology, vaccines for infectious diseases, and other such areas.

Source: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry 2017
PRTR Data Top 10 Reported Substance Emissions and Movement
What We as a Company Will Work on
With the motto "Do not use environmentally impactful substances", we will steadily switch away from them.Things That Are Likely to Happen in the World Going Forward
- The IEA's Sustainable Development Scenario states that industrial sector carbon prices in developed
countries will be $63/ton in 2025 and $140/ton in 2040. - Japan's carbon tax is $39/ton as of 2016, which is low compared to other countries.
Going forward, carbon prices will be on the rise and the burden on companies will increase.

Source: OECD (2016) "Effective Carbon Rates",
Based on the Ministry of the Environment "Carbon Pricing (Carbon Tax)"
Unit US$ From 2025 to 2040, carbon prices are expected to more than double.
What We as a Company Will Work on
We also perform advanced energy management, for example waste heat utilization and fuel conversion to reduce CO₂ emissions from manufacturing sites and to improve productivity.Things That Are Likely to Happen in the World Going Forward
- The environment for utilizing information and communications technology (ICT) at Japanese companies is being improved to follow the developed countries of Europe and the United States and the introduction of ICT into business is becoming more active.
- In order to respond to the shortage of workers caused by the decrease in the working-age population, the productivity of companies will be improved and working styles will be diversified by investing in and utilizing AI and ICT.

Source: Based on Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
"2018 White Paper on Information and Communications"
What We as a Company Will Work on
We will improve employee engagement by promoting digitization and automation.